Monday, November 3, 2008

Confession time for Angie

I have a couple of confessions to make to you, my faithful bloggy friends. I will start with what I consider the "lesser of two evils" confession.

1) This weekend while Ben's cousin was here we broke down and bought Guitar Hero World Tour for our Nintendo Wii. It is an awesome awesome game. We played for hours on Saturday night. So, what's the confession you ask? We stayed up until 2:45 (we thought it was until we went to bed and saw the time had changed) playing the stupid thing. We actually went to bed AFTER the time had changed. How pathetic is that? In all fairness - a) I never had video games growing up so I'm just making up for lost time, b) I was hanging out with our cousins, c) I was spending good quality time with my husband and d)the most important thing to remember is that I was learning how to play the guitar and the bass guitar. Now you can't fault me for my lack of sense when it comes to the whole time thing.

2) I am afraid that my computer time is going be shared from this point on. I promise I won't leave you bloggy friends totally. I still love you and my blog is still a great way to keep you all updated on our life but i did it, I finally broke down and signed up with a Facebook account. It's also a great way to keep up with friends and family. I have to say that it is sucking me into it's world right now. I know that the newness will wear off soon and I will be back to spend some more time on my blog. I just thought I should tell you before you heard it from someone else :)

If any of you are part of the Facebook world I would love to have you as my friend. Just search for Angie Abshire and you will find me. Goodbye for now.


Ali said...

I am totally addicted to Guitar Hero and Facebook too! Actually, we have Rock Band, so we can do the drums too. The first night we had it we stayed up really late. My contacts were so dry from not blinking that they fell out right on the carpet! I'm gonna go find you on Facebook right now :)

Emma said...

Guitar hero is way too addicting. We need to get a better system, we only have ps 2, so we're behind because we can't get any of the new guitar hero games. I've mastered the one that we have lol. Facebook is addicting too!! I was hesitant to join because I already have a couple "blog" type accounts, but now that i'm on it I can't stop getting on it!! But my pictures still pretty much just go up on here. Anyway! LONG COMMENT!

Katie said...

I think if we had that game my husband would use all his vacation time to play it! (ok, not really, but it is addictive!)'ve been tagged! Go here for the rules!

Anonymous said...

I know what you're doing--you're getting more friends than Ben. :) Good luck, but don't forget us. I live for the pictures. Grandma