Friday, July 25, 2008

Swimming Lessons

The boys are taking swimming this week and next week. They are having so much fun!! I don't know why we didn't get them in earlier. I took a few pictures, they didn't turn out great but you can tell they are having a great time.

The first group of pictures are of Jacob in his class. He has improved so much. Last summer he wasn't very comfortable putting his head in the water but that's not the case anymore. I was watching his class yesterday and every time the teacher was working with other kids, Jake was underwater. He's starting to swim some on his own. I noticed yesterday that he would plug his nose with one hand, go underwater and swim a little ways one handed. It was cool!! There's still one more week so it will be neat to see what he can do after next weeks lessons.

We were a little concerned about Luke and whether or not he would actually get in the water with us holding onto him. We didn't need to worry at all!! He's really gotten "brave" this last week. He dives for the rockets over and over again. He doesn't even plug his nose to go down. Yesterday the teacher started showing him how to swim underwater. He went a little ways on his own and he came up with the biggest smile on his face. It's been pretty good for him to be in a class without Jake or Zac. He's on his own. The other cool thing for us, there is only one other little girl in his class and half of the time she doesn't get into the water so it's almost like he's getting private lessons.

Zac isn't quite old enough on paper to be in a class on his own so one of us has to be in the water with him. The cut off is 3 and he turns 3 the day after the lessons are over. It's been fun though. I've really enjoyed being in the water with him. He is one fearless kid though. The sooner he learns to swim on his own the better I will feel!! It's funny, he doesn't have any problem putting his head under. I think his favorite is jumping off the edge. He also really likes it when we tie a noddle around his waste 'cause then he gets to swim "all by himself".

So that's the swimming lesson pictures. I know they didn't turn out great. We are at an indoor pool so it's kind of dark in there. It's nice being inside though. I remember taking lessons (and teaching them) in the mornings and it being cold outside. It was miserable having to get out of the water. So being indoors is kind-of nice.
We went to Silverwood on Wednesday and I've got lots of pictures to post. Stay tuned....


Katy said...

How fun, my kids have spent about 3/4 of their awake hours in the pool this year and last. I think the best swimming lessons for them is just being in it all the time. Can't wait to see your Silverwood pictures! Sounds like you guys are having a fun summer!

Kinslee said...

So cute! Glad they are having fun.

Anonymous said...

They're fearless because we spent 4 hours swimming at the Okanogan pool when you and Ben were on vacation. Zac accidentally went under a couple times and decided he liked it. I miss them. I have no excuse to go swimming now. Can you see me in the public pool all by myself!

Becky Avella said...

I wish we had been able to get the girls in for lessons this year. We were just so busy and are so far away from a pool.

Swimming was my favorite thing to do when I was a kid. I want the girls to have that fun. Next summer for sure!

Miss you guys...

: ) Becky